Friday, January 27, 2012


It was a clear and sunny day on my mom's second to last day of her visit to The Last Frontier. We decided we needed to do some scenic driving but were limited on time due to my son's preschool schedule. So, we headed to Butte, which is located between the Matanuska River and the Knik River, about five miles southeast of Palmer. Within a short 15-20 minute drive there was a good 10 degree difference and quite a few more inches of snow on the ground- which makes for prettier pictures :) There was a really neat lot of old cars on the side of the road piled high in snow. Not really sure what they were doing there and how long they had been there, but definitely worthy of a "Oh, let's pull over and take pictures in negative degree weather"! We also swung by the Reindeer Farm, is was so desolate compared to when my family went on Christmas Eve, Eve. But, my mom got to see the Reindeer, I mean Caribou, right Mom? And of course we snapped a few photos. We were't out of the car for more then a few minutes when neither of us could feel our fingers anymore. Kinda hard to push the shutter button, or let alone feel it when your hands are numb. We saw some pretty scenery (well, when/where do you not here in Alaska?), shot some great pics, got up and close to an animal you'd never see in Florida, and had a few laughs along the way...I'd say that makes for a good day!

Here are some photos of our short adventure to Butte. If you click on the photo, it will play as a slide show for better viewing! Enjoy God's mighty work!

1 comment:

  1. Very neat photos :) I feel I'm getting to know Alaska through your camera lens.
