Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I can't believe it's mid January already, all the Christmas decorations in the stores are down and replaced with pink, red and white hearts galore. You know what this means, Valentine's Day is rapidly approaching! I saw on a friend's Facebook page and on Pinterest this super cute idea for an original and creative Valentine card for your kids to hand out to their classmates. (Also you can send them to grandma and grandpa, who you know would LOVE them!) So, I thought, hey, why not give them a try, I mean they do include a picture ;) I think they turned out really well. They are pretty simple, but what's best about them is since it's a photograph; it's an actual keepsake and not a flimsy piece of paper that will get thrown in the trash with the 30 other Valentine cards their friends get. There's a lot of ways to embellish them: your kids can sign their name, add stickers, use card stock that has patterns, stamps, glitter etc... These are the simple versions for posting purposes. When we actually make them all I'll let the kids get creative and spice them up a bit! 

                                                              Aren't they so cute?!?

If you live in the area and want these done, they are $20 for 20 cards, which include picture taken, printed, placed on card stock, and slits made for the lollipop (not included), each additional card in 50 cents. Just the picture taken in $10. Please feel free to email me at susan.wetlesen@gmail.com

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